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This project aims to use various methods of non-formal education, such as discussions amongst the participants themselves or with the professionals from …
În 11 Decembrie 2019,Comisia Europeana a lansat #EUGreenDeal – acțiuni pentru îmbunătățirea bunăstării oamenilor, protejarea habitatului nostru natural și stimularea economiei noastre …
The main goal of the “Key to Solidarity” project is to promote solidarity through non-formal volunteering activities in support of young people …
On December 11th 2019, the European Comission has launched lansat the #EUGreenDeal – actions to improve the wellbeing of people, protect our …
Starting from the results of another EVS project and analyzing the need of the local community to have a fresh air which …
The “Volunteering for environmental education” project is a follow-up of another volunteering project implemented by FCASEC in the Dragasani’s community between 13.03.2017 …
The purpose of the project is to promote the development of social, civic and intercultural competencies and also to promote the critical …
The project “Be Green-Be Solidar” is a continuation of another volunteering project completed on 31/3/2018: “Green Life- Choose your side!” The main …
CALL FOR YOUNG PARTICIPANTS 019-2-ES02-KA347-013403 JOB-EQUAL-Towards better employability from diversity for an equal Europe provided a selected group of young people(17-30years old) from …
Between 25 November-1 December 2019, two youth workers from FCASEC took part in a training course organised in Sinop, Turkey. The objecties …
În urmă cu un an am decis ca începând din februarie 2018 să particip într-un program de EVS de 10 luni în …
Hug the Differences – Proatlantico Anul trecut pe vremea asta deja trecuse o săptămână de când ajunsesem, parcă așa dintr-o dată, …
Between 1.1-30.3.2018 will took place the selection of volunteers for “Green-Color of creativity” project The profile volunteer is: – age between 18-30 …
The” Key to Volunteerism” project is born from the need to carry out activities for the young people with fewer opportunities to …
“Green-Color of creativity” project is a follow-up of another volunteering project, implemented by FCASEC, during the period 01.02.2016 to 31.01.2017, in Dragasani …
KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Erasmus+ KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training DEVELOPING A DIGITAL LEARNING PROGRAM…
Neet-working for Social Inclusion
The project activities have been planned to meet the identified needs of the project participants…
The Youth Exchange “Together for SDGs” wants to introduce the subject of Sustainable Development to…
“Understanding Migration” is a training course designed to explain and develop deeper understanding about migration…
European Policies for Young Citizens
The E.P.Y.C. project aims at orienting young European citizens in the processes of political decision…
Latest activities