The E.P.Y.C. project aims at orienting young European citizens in the processes of political decision making and social engagement becoming agents of development. It is in line with the objectives of the European Youth Together action, in particular: – initiatives to encourage young people to participate in the democratic process and in society by organising trainings and encourage discussion and debate on their connection to the EU its values and democratic foundations, including by providing a meaningful voice to youth in the framework of the Covid-19 recovery process; – the promotion of a transnational cooperation between different youth organizations to build partnership focusing on solidarity and inclusive democratic participation of all; – the implementation of EU Frameworks and initiatives such as country specific recommendations from the European Semester as far as they relate to the youth area.
The project is in line with European policies since it aims to encourage young people to take responsibility and take charge of their lives, through empowerment and active participation. Cooperation developed also through an education that looks at Europe as an opportunity for an intercultural vision, connections, relationships and exchange of experiences between countries are a fundamental resource for solidarity and future development of the European Union.
O1. To make young people aware of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027
Indicators: n.1 course of orientation and training targeted to young people on EU Youth Strategy 2019- 2027; n.20 young participants involved and trained; 8-hours; English language.
O2. To make young participants users and producers of information.
Indicators: n.4 local context analysis and best practices research reports with reference to the 4 core areas and Goals of the European Youth Strategy 2019-2027 (Goal #3, #4 and #10); English language; approx. 30 pages each; 1 final comparative research report; English, Swedish, Romanian, Italian and German; approx. 70 pages
O3. To foster European active citizenship by drafting 4 proposals of social change and sustainable development in dealing with COVID-19
Indicators: n.4 transnational mobilities with overall 64 youngsters involved (16 youngsters for each mobility) and 8 public authorities representatives (2 for each mobility); n.4 proposal developed and discussed with public authorities.
O4. To create a constructive dialogue and cooperation between young people, youth organizations and public authorities
Indicators: n.1 E.P.Y.C. Guide developed; 50 pages; English, Italian, Romanian, Swedish and German language
O5 To improve awareness on youth role in the definition and participation in local policy and promote project results.
Indicators: 1 social media campaign addressed to project target groups (expected 15000 youngsters, 50 youth organizations, 8 local communities and 8 public authorities reached)
Selection of young participants
This is the first necessary action to involve young and motivated people to participate in the project and, on the basis of the EU Youth Goals addressed by the project, the group of participants will be composed of at least n.1 young from vulnerable groups (e.g., peripheries, migrants, etc.) and half of participants in each group must be girls.
For the selection process, will be considered the following criteria:
– age between 24-30
– CV and motivation letter
– interest in European studies and values
– awareness on the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and interest in the 4 topics addressed by the project
– English proficiency (at least B1.1 level) assessed during the oral interview or with a certificate.
Funded by European Union