FCASEC is a partner in a new youth exchange togheter with Associacao Juvenil Proatlantico.
The Youth Exchange “Act for Our Europe” will take place in Oeiras, Portugal, and has as main topics: EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Inclusion- Equality and Healthy Life-style and active ageing .
The project will involve 9 organizations from: Portugal, France, Italy, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Greece and Slovenia.
During this time, the young people will take part in several activities of non-formal learning linked to European diversity, in which we want to highlight not only the cultural differences that show the identity of each country, but above all the similarities that connect the participant countries, as a way of fight against stereotypes and contribute to the development of a more inclusive Europe.Each day there will be a subject regarding Europe and activities under that subject. Some examples are Citizenship, Culture, Heritage, Sports, Social Causes, Sports and Healthy Life-styles or Environment. There will be work groups, ateliers, sport activities, cultural visits, volunteering actions and a street action. It’s also planned a “Market of Cultures”, in which each group will present his own country and culture to the local community.