ECO-PHOTOGRAPHERS 2015-1-RO01-KA105- 013711
The "Eco Photographers" project was born from the desire of six partner organizations to facilitate the participation of 60 young people with fewer opportunities to youth mobility, activity where they will be able to develop personally and professionally using innovative methods of non-formal education. All the partners involved in the project are working with young people with fewer opportunities, in particular young people in risk of school abandon. Taking part in this project, the 60 young people will be able to participate to outdoor educational activities that will focus on photography and film workshops as well as the initiation of discussions and workshops on active participation, sport activities, documentary visits, structured dialogue with the local authorities.
The objectives of the project are:
– acquisition by the 60 young participants of artistic skills in photography domain, which will help them grow personally and professionally, including for the European labor market.
-to develop intercultural skills for those 60 participants, which will help to understand other cultures and know other European countries
-development, at European level, of the capacity of the partner organizations involved in the project.
– testing and implementing non-formal education methods that will develop creative behaviors among participants
– change of good practices among the youth leaders and the partner organizations regarding the youth work.
-ensure the recognition of the competencies acquired by participants during the project by issuing the Youthpass certificate.
The 60 young participants in the project are from: Romania, Poland, Spain, Greece, Italy and Bulgaria.
The methodology used for the project will be learning by discovering and using methods of non-formal education as: energizers, ice-breaking games, role playing games, get to know each other games, photography workshops, film workshops, debates, structured dialogue, treasure hunt, flash mob, street animation, film and photo-voice voice.
The expected results of the project will be:
– identification of creative opportunities for leisure for rural youth.
– friendships between young people from six different countries
– itinerant exhibition of ecological photography, using methods of non-formal education: photo-voice
– web page of the project.
– the project Facebook page
– the film of the project
– European network of organizations interested in the promotion of creative activities in support of rural youth
The expected impact of the project will be the personal and professional development in the field of photographic art of the 60 young people and the transfer of knowledge in this field within the partnership. On long term, the partners will be able to initiate local photography and film clubs where young people with fewer opportunities will be able to spend their free time and will be initiated new projects for youth in this area, including strategic partnership projects.