Ethnic Minorities playing an active role in Europe 2020 Strategy
European Citizenship Project
This project is aimed at ethnic minorities, promoting debate and reflection on existing policies in Europe,specifically 2020 Strategy, bringing them closer to the objectives and guidelines, strengthening active citizenship in their community. Through this project, the ethnic minorities are invited to express their voice, to propose initiatives and recommendations about this recently approved strategy, and identify gaps and needs concerning the EU. In a changing Europe, where ethnic minorities are a growing reality in our society, it is important to gather their views on matters that are the key European challenges for the future, and promote social inclusion through the active participation of minorities in the process. The main objectives are:- Strengthen methods to stimulate interaction and active discussion on certain areas of European Strategy that will affect their daily lives; Establish mechanisms to allow European citizens to develop civic skills, express their views and opinions as recommendations to policymakers at the European level; Encourage dialogue between citizens and institutions, involving the European population in EU policies and their implications; Reinvigorating active European citizenship; Ensure an adequate monitoring of citizens’ views on the EU side; Bridging the gap between citizens and the European Union;Explore ways to promote ethnic minorities´ involvement in European topics.For this, partners will organize local Forums in each municipality for ethnic minorities, for analysis and debate; open workshops to increase information and work on practical aspects of European policies; one website including a panel of citizens online and e-learning platform; and one transnational Forum, attended by European leaders to inform and share opinions, with edition of DVD with 250 recommendations for EU representatives, relating to ethnic minorities in the EU.