FCASEC Association announces the selection of 10 volunteers (5 boys and 5 girls) for the EVS project „GREENTHINKERS”, project financed by European Commission through Youth in Action Program.
The announcement is open for volunteers from Germany, France, Spain, Turkey and Cameroon.
The selection will be done from January 1st 2012 to February 28th, 2012.
The profile of the disired volunteer is:
- aged between 18 and 30 years
- adaptability to a multicultural environment.
- desire to work outdoor and to promote ecological and environmental education.
- desire to take part in youth activities using non formal education methods.
The volunteers selection will be done in two steps. In first stage, the selection will be made at each partner lever. Thus each volunteer will submit a CV in European format and a letter of motivation at the partner organizations. Each partner will hold an interview with the candidates, interview after which the volunteers will be selected. The list of selected volunteers will be sent to the host organization. The second stage of selection will be checking the CV and cover letters by the host organization and the organization of an online interview via Skype with each volunteer selected in the first stage. The interview will follow the volunteers interest in environmental issues, their desire to work in an intercultural environment, the degree of adaptability to new working environment.
Date of announcement:03.01.2012